Background Checks: Tips for Job Applicants and Employees



 UnknownThis guide from the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) explains the legal rights of job applicants and employees regarding background checks. It discusses when and how employers are legally allowed to inquire about a job applicant or employee’s background, including information regarding their criminal record and other public records, medical history, credit or financial information, and their race, national origin, sex, religion, or age.  The guide also provides helpful tips for employees and job applicants on how to prepare and protect themselves during the hiring process, as well as steps to take if a job applicant suspects an employer has violated their rights.

This guide is a follow-up to earlier documents issued jointly by the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and the FTC, which explain the rights and responsibilities of job seekers, employers, and employees when using background checks for employment purposes.

View the guide (PDF)